
7/22 予習&復習

business card. We use if and when sentences to talk about what usually happens in a situation. When it's sunny, I read a book in the garden. If I haven't got any cash, I use my credit card. beef bowl bore argue upset You argue with a good …

7/21 復習

How long have you been learning English? cousin good stuff Do you prefer curry with rice or curry with nan bread? Which do you prefer? Have you ever been to New York? Yes I have. / No I haven't Have you ever seen to a UFO?


bin syllables What's the tempreture today? 30 degrees printer プリンター。「ぷ」にアクセント cupboard 食器棚。「かぶどぅ」と発音。 similar 似ている。「しみらー」と発音。 arm chair sofa for one person. office chair. vase American English pr…

7/12 復習

12th of July gray sky 曇り空 頻度の副詞 always(いつも) continually(たえず) usually(たいてい) frequently(しばしば) often(たびたび) occasionally(ときどき) sometimes(ときどき) rarely(めったにしない) seldom(めったにしない) sc…

7/8 予習

someone knocks over a drink in a pub 誰かが、パブで飲み物をひっくりかえす。 I got held up at the office. 会社でつかまってた、みたいな意味らしい。gotはこの場合、どのような役割なのか? (間違えて冷たいスープを持ってきてしまったときなどに)I'l…

7/5 復習

I don't like humid weather. friedly is the opposite of unfriendly. My house is very quite. opposite is My house is very busy. quite music. oppsite is laud music. a man, two men. a woman, two women.(ウーマン、ウィメンと発音) a child, two c…


長文翻訳。New Year resolutions are hard to keep, but is that really any surprise? Every year in January, people make a New Year resolutions. They promise to give up smoking for example, but only 17% of them keep their promises. What can pe…

7/3 自習

psychologist 心理学者。サイコロジスト。 quit give up.


250 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 投稿日: 2008/07/02(水) 01:48:50 breakとtearの違いって何? どっちも、壊れるみたいな意味だと思うんだけど、ニュアンスの違いがよくわからない。 251 名前: >>250 投稿日: 2008/07/02(水) 01:55:30 あと、scratched…


375 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 投稿日: 2008/07/02(水) 00:15:48 お願いいたします。 Excuse me, sorry, coming through, excuse me.Ooh, that's a nice vase. How much is is?Four pounds twenty?That's very expensive! How about two pounds for it…

7/1 復習(1th of July)

skin 皮膚。人の肌。 fix 修理する。 heavy load 重い荷物 refund 払い戻し I stay inside 私は中にいます。I stay at home.でもよい。 Shall I get you something to drink ? お飲み物をお取りしましょうか Shall I get you a cup of coffee? Shall I open …

6/30 自習

adjective tell something of noun. adverb tell something of verb. Be carefull. You be carefull. carefull tell something of You. ■まとめ The japanese word "hukusi" means "adverb" The japanese word "keisyousi" means "adjective"

6/25自習(25th of June)

有声音と無声音 「ぷ」のような喉がふるえない音を無声音という。 「ぶ」のような喉がふるえる音を有声音という。 母音は全て有声音。 単語の最後が有声音の場合、複数形は「ず」と発音する。(例:angelの場合lは有声音)

6/24の復習(24th of June)

wallet discount vase jumble sales がらくた市 small change take plenty of small change. たくさんの小銭をとってください。(とりなさい?)。 You must be determined about mastering English. 英語をマスターしようという決心をしなくてはいけない。 …

6/21 予習

this week is as hot as last week 今週は先週と同じくらい暑いです this week is not as hot as last week 今週は先週ほど暑くありません this week is cooler than last week 今週は先週より涼しいです second hand 古い。new car is the opposite of seco…

6/14 復習

You don't have any summer cloths. What kind of cloths do you work to wear in summer? scarf マフラー、スカーフ Gloves グラブズ。ラにアクセント T-shirt ティーシャツ。ティーにアクセント。最後のツは無声音で息を吹く感じでツゥー。 Flip-flops フ…

6/13 自習

far It's too noisy in here. ここはうるさすぎる。ここはあまりにもうるさい。 It's far too noisy in here ここはうるさすぎるってもんじゃない。

June 10th(Tuesday)

pimt パイント。駅量単位。英では、1パイントのビールまたはみるく。 blow a whistle phonemic script p184を参照。

6/7 復習

I always check my emails. I check my email four or five times everyday. How many car s have you got? I borrowed some money from him Never mind 「心配しないで。」と相手に対して言う言葉と、「何でもないよ。」とか「大丈夫だよ。」とかこちらの行…


無冠詞 I met my friends after school. 私は放課後、友人と会った。 無冠詞のschoolは、授業、部活動などを含む漠然とした学校。 冠詞 This is a school. The store is between the library and the school. 冠詞がつけば具体的な建物としての学校になる。

6/3 復習

It is thundering 雷が鳴っている。 I'd like to visit Italy イタリアを訪問したいです I'd like to learn French. フランス語を勉強したいです stress is accent I'm going to take TOEIC in October this year.

sweaters スウェッターズ vowel バゥール consonant Do you have any credit cards? I have one. I have some credit cards. a university beetle, pillow How do you pronounce this word? ornament They have some ornaments. In England, this is formal.…

5/27 復習

What is she do after that? She is just looking They are drinking in the bar. She goes to the bed at 2:00 the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday the week after next motorcycle バイク It's not very good, is it? 付加疑問文。相手に同…

5/19 復習

I can touch my toes easily 動詞(touch)を修飾するのは副詞(easily)。ちなみにeasyは形容詞。 They're very confident students. 名詞(students)を修飾する場合は、confident(形容詞)となる。

5/24 復習

What's the date? How many hours a day do you spend on computer? How many hours every day do you spend on computer? I don't use the computer for shopping, Because I want to see real things. Who uses internet more? 誰がインターネットをよく使…

5/17 復習

Do you have any plans for this weekend? Do you have any plans for the weekend? What kind of alcohol do you like? bitter 苦い music instrument guiter, piano guess 推測 you have to guess which english special day? Thanksgiving Day I'm going …

5/13 復習

I last looked for a bus last week. I last looked at the view of the tokyo tower last week. I last laughed at a joke last week. I last sit down on the chair last week. When did you last feel ill? When was the last time you felt ill? I have …

4/26 復習

a flying pan. inside,outside Who is your favorite actress? onth a week. onth a month. programme.(in UK.) program(in USA.) strange 奇妙な。

5/10 復習

January Feburary March April May June July August September October November December the 3rd of May サードオブメイ the 21 of May トエンティーファーストオブメイ My mother cooks lunch. My mother dosen't cook lunch.(no 's') New Year holidays…

5/6 予習

ill 病気、不快 meal 食事 forgot